Wednesday, October 5, 2011

getting active and writing letters to places for blog 3 assignment

Hi all:
I do not have places for every group, but I get a lot of mail regarding writing letters etc, and so I thought I would share these I just got today:
1.  writing the FDA and asking that they label foods if they are genetically modified.  This seems like it would apply to the food groups, if this is what you believe:

(it came from an email from stonyfield yogurt of all places, an organization who actually does take action in what they believe..."We think you have a right to know what's in your food.
Genetic engineering—also known as genetic modification—isn't allowed in organic production. But genetically engineered (GE) ingredients are in 60-70% of non-organic processed foods. Most people don't know this, and food companies aren't required to tell you.

What's the danger?
All the health and environmental impacts of genetic engineering are not yet known. We do know that GE crops have increased the use of herbicides and may have introduced new toxins and allergens into our food and environment. Many other countries, including all of the EU, Japan, Australia and even China already require GE labeling on all foods produced with GE ingredients. "

here is a website they posted on what is in your food.

2.  what is in your food or where your food comes from:  above...seems to link to that too.

3.  pollution:  clean air act, for the energy group from the sierra club i got this email today...and here is the link to write your rep about keeping the clean air act clean:  (they will tell you once you put your zip code in, how your representative voted on the if they voted NAY then they voted against the weakening of the clean air act and if they voted YAY then they voted to make the clean air act weaker.  then they have a "take action" button which makes it easy to thank your rep if they said nay or ask them to change their mind of they voted yay...(IF YOU  believe in the clean air act)

here is the letter:  I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS WHERE I STAND but just to share with you what i got in the mail if this is of interest to you...if you want to know where I stand, I am happy to talk...but this is just information...
"Dear Anneliese,
The other week, the U.S. House approved the corporate polluter agenda when passing the TRAIN Act, a heinous piece of legislation that would gut the Clean Air Act and the EPA!1 Shame on them.
Many legislators stood up against this dangerous bill, showing the political strength of our clean air movement. The Senate took notice of the strong voices for clean air and have not moved the legislation.
Whether your Congressperson, Rep. Bass , voted yay or nay, there is another critical opportunity to let Charles 'Charlie' F. Bass know where we stand. Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is moving two more pieces of junk legislation2 that would pump more toxic chemicals -- like the dangerous neurotoxin mercury -- into our air.3 To make sure our legislators stand up to this newest threat to our health, they'll need to hear from all of us!

The worst thing about Cantor's newest bills: they wouldn't create a single job. A recent report by the Congressional Budget Office found that these bills would in fact cost an additional $1 million each.4

You might be asking yourself how such terrible policy is even up for a vote. The answer is as simple as it is disappointing -- corporate greed. Let's take the cement industry as an example -- if one of Cantor's bills succeeds, cement boilers would be allowed to keep pushing mercury and other toxics into our air and water. Cement companies would make more profits while putting the health costs on our backs.

Charles 'Charlie' F. Bass is under pressure by corporate lobbyists to support Cantor's heinous bills. The cement trade-industry has donated over $1.1 million to federal candidates since January 1, 2009 and hired lobbyists in D.C. to roll back the EPA's authority.5

When you zero in on an affected community, the corruption gets even worse. Titan Cement, based in Greece, wants to build a new cement factory in Wilmington, North Carolina that will burn 230,000 tons of coal a year! They have pledged to stand by the new EPA cement boiler rules to reduce their potential pollution, but have actively lobbied in Congress to stop the rules.

Not only that, but Titan is suing two Wilmington residents, one a doctor, for expressing concerns about Titan's impact on community health at a public hearing!6 Whether corrupting the political process with donations or threats, these companies are fighting every day to move their agenda to the top.

If Titan wins in Congress, Wilmington's families and families around the country will lose.

The stakes are high and your representative is deciding which side to stand on for the next vote. Thank you for all you do, "

photostream of 99% If you are a group focused on unemployment, this might be of interest.  (actually it might be of interest to many of you...unions have now endorsed this whole movement.)  If you are interested google "the 99%"  or Occupy wall street.  Forbes did an article today:  (but so did wash post and all sorts of news stations if you support the protesters, you can sign here.. can also share your story if you have one about your hopes for your future etc: (many of the people here are teachers and licensed teachers who cannot find jobs etc)

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